Tuesday, December 5, 2006


Hi, my name is Elyse and I've been wanting to start this knitting charity for quite some time now. It took a backburner for a while but recently there have been several people God has brought to my attention that I knew this charity could encourage. So here it is. The very beginnings to the PrayerKnits group I've been looking forward to starting for so long. I want to welcome anyone and everyone who is interested in being a part of it. I sincerely believe god has laid this on my heart and I know he's going to work wonders through it. Just imagine God working through us as knitters. How awesome! so if you're interested email me through the link in the sidebar and get started knitting!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would like to be part of your prayer blog. I laways pray for the person I am knitting for. When I am knitting just to knit I pray for anyone the Lord brings to mind. Just like the handkercheif that Paul touched and the person they laid it on was healed, our knitting can do the same! What Mighty God we serve!!!